Just finished read one of my favouritte blog - muidlatif - It is true what he wrote, some "Melayu" is cool, and some of them are not!. This plague existed not only for Malay race, but other races as well. I remember the time when I'm applying this factory job, when I was jobless back home. As I remembered, I was jobless for 1 year - and that is the best experience for me to know how people judge you by your certificate, not by your willing to be hardworking. I have applied for a job at 6 factory(as production operator), 3 advertising company , 2 internet company and 1 scam(Direct selling... shitt)... suprisingly there was no oppurtunity for me to work in any of the company I mentioned. Then I just realized - It is not my destiny(Rezeki). Simple as that.
Well, gonna sleep early today... because tomorrow I got to work... :) and also, I've added a Yahoo Messenger Online Indicator into my blogspot.
Gen 2 Re-animate